Next year the XIII International Meeting of Arquitecturas Colectivas will be held for the first time in Italy, in Genoa, in September 2020. It will be the beginning of a transnational journey that will create a platform for sharing tools and methods of collective approach to architecture that will extend the example of Spanish network to the Italian territory.  The first stop will be in Rome, at the MACRO ASILO, on 11th December starting from 18:00. 

Imagen de Elisabetta

02 Dic 2019
Por Elisabetta

    Since 2007 the International meeting of Arquitecturas Colectivas take place every year in Spain, with the aim of extend the network and consolidate a way of doing city / neighborhood for and with people.
Next year the XIII International Meeting of Arquitecturas Colectivas will be held for the first time in Italy, in Genoa, in September 2020. It will be the beginning of a transnational journey that will create a platform for sharing tools and methods of collective approach to architecture that will extend the example of Spanish network to the Italian territory.



    The first stop will be in Rome, at the MACRO ASILO, on 11th December from 18:00. During the meeting Arquitecturas Colectivas Spanish network will be presented by David Juàrez (Straddle 3, Barcelona) together with Siro Santos (La Fabrika de Toda la Vida, Los Santos de Maimona), Gorka Olea (URBANBAT, Bilbao) and Arantxa Mendiharat (Bilbao), the proposals and the objectives of the meeting # AACC_GENOVA_2020 will be shared and a working table / discussion will be organized with all present people in order to build together the September meeting.



  Convinced that we can re-form the present only together, we invite you to actively participate in the construction of # AACC_GENOVA_2020.



You can register to the event here


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The coordination of # AACC Italy:


Silvia Cama (Laboratorio[zerozoone])

Laura Corradi (NADA Colectivo)

Elisabetta Fiorenza (Raggruppamento Temporaneo)

Elisabetta Lo Grasso (Spore)

Greta Solari (Greta Solari Architetto)

Alessandro Zorzetto (Architetture Precarie)



Activismo, Arquitectura, Comunicación, Cooperativismo, Urbanismo
Participación, Situaciones - Eventos
Encuentros, Festivales, Seminarios


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15 Nov 2018

Os invitamos a hojear el libro  "El uso de la caña en la arquitectura tradicional"


24 Oct 2018

Programación e inscricpciones para el 7º Festival de urbanismo e innovación social Urbanbat.

19 Ago 2018

Programa definitivo del XI Encuentro de Arquitecturas Colectivas en la ciudad de Málaga del 13 al 16 de Septiembre.

17 Ago 2018

Desde el XI Encuentro anual de Arquitecturas Colectivas se abre una convocatoria del 17 al 31 de Agosto para buscar casos o herramientas para "cuidar la ciudad desobediente" que se presentarán durante los días del encuentro en La Casa Invisible.

24 Jul 2018

XI Encuentro de Arquitecturas Colectivas. 13-16 SEP - Málaga - La Casa Invisible. Herramientas de construcción colectiva, cartografía críticas, ciudades en código abierto, arquitectura y diversión bajo el lema DESOBEDIENCIAS URBANAS.

Porque el sur es un estado de ánimo. ¡Desobedece! #AACC_Malaga